Plusnet Solutions


An orchestrated channel design will enable you to design experiences and you will be able to assign different means of contact to your customer profiles.

This is not just about offering an efficient deal. It is also about finding the best way to serve your customers.


Effective connections in an orderly manner

A central element integrated into your architecture that will make all the technologies and systems involved in the communication process between you and your clients work in harmony.

The orchestrator oversees redirecting the conversations routed from Channel Normalization to their correct destination. It identifies the intention for which the customer has contacted you and optimizes the cyclical operation of the information.


A comprehensive view of each customer

When you offer an omni-channel attention, you obtain a large amount of information about your customers. This information will be more useful and valuave only if it is combined with the data in your historical records.

In this way, with all the information on the table, you will offer better experiences and fully customized solutions. Providing greater differential value to each interaction with your customers.


Simplifica la integración de sistemas autoservicio con entornos TTS/ STT/ NLU
en Cloud con Big-AI


Know each client from the very start

Adapt each interaction to each customer and offer a service in line with their preferences, providing the necessary data to your agents (whether physical or conversational) thanks to context information.

Our solutions facilitatethe transfer of contextual information from your databases, CRM and other systems to your agents so they can direct and resolve each issue and customize the service.

Gather valuable information and enrich the context about your customers to continue to better understanding each of their needs and take improvement decisions.

The best technologies for your Contact Center, thanks to our integrations