Plusnet Solutions

AI & Automation

Evolve, adapt, change. Three words that define the future of companies. And now, yours too. Artificial Intelligence transforms everything. Automate simple interactions and free up your agents, getting ahead of your customers' responses.


Natural Language Comprehension

It is through talking that people understand each other. And this is because when your systems can give more natural responses, the experiences are more positive.

At Plusnet Solutions we integrate natural language understanding (NLU) technologies. We help your systems to connect and to make use of these technologies to understand the meaning and intention of what each customer is saying. Without barriers and regardless of any specific manufacturer.


Conversational Assistants

Thanks to Artificial Intelligence you can offer streamlined, active, and close customer service, integrating the best technologies and conversational agents into the systems of your Customer Service Center.

It responds to your customers through natural and guided conversations on any channel, regardless of your user's profile. It provides support to your physical agents and lets the voicebots or chatbots resolve the simplest requirements, in an automated way, without the need to connect with a physical agent.

In addition, it will help you better understand what your customers needs and then redirect them to a more suitable agent.

Simplify the integration of self-service systems with TTS/ STT/ NLU environments in the Cloud with Big-AI

Smart Routing

Customize each interaction to the maximum

Redirect your customers to the most suitable destination to solve their problem. Our Smart Routing solutions help you direct each customer to the cognitive agent (chatbots or voicebots) or to a human agent that has the greatest affinity with each customer.


Let them express themselves in their own words

From a simple “How can I help you?” the user will be able to explain the reason for his call and be instantly redirected. No need to tailor your response to a list of predetermined options.

It simplifies the process with an NLU understanding system and offers a natural way to interact with the IVR system, more conversational, increasing user satisfaction and reducing the call time.

IVR Solutions

Offer quick answers every time, save time. And save it to your customers too with IVR solutions for voice channels.

  • Automate the reception of calls. Reduce waiting time with messages that answer frequently asked questions
  • Improve the user experience with service available 24 hours a day
  • Reduce operational costs with its quick configuration

Discover the power of the data behind your calls with Speech Analytics