Plusnet Solutions

Plusnet Solutions declares its rejection of any behavior and conduct constituting harassment based on sexual orientation, gender identity, and/or gender expression, in order to ensure that all workers belonging to the LGTBIQ+ community enjoy a work environment free from LGTBIQ-phobia where the principles of equality and non-discrimination prevail.

The protocol for addressing harassment and violence against LGTBI+ individuals in the workplace responds to the need to focus on prevention, awareness-raising, and, where applicable, eliminating all forms of violence and discrimination against workers belonging to the LGTBIQ+ community in the workplace, as well as complying with the provisions of Law 4/2023, of February 28, for the real and effective equality of transgender people and for the guarantee of the rights of LGTBIQ+ people and Law 12/2015, of April 8, on social equality for lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transgender people, transsexuals, and intersex people and public policies against discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity.

Furthermore, Plusnet Solutions undertakes to inform all parties involved in its relationships about the existence of the protocol, indicating the need for strict compliance.

In order to ensure a work environment free from LGTBIQ-phobia, Plusnet Solutions, by committing to the measures outlined in this protocol, expresses and publicizes its explicit willingness to adopt a proactive attitude in both preventing harassment that may occur within the company – through awareness-raising and information about behaviors not tolerated by the company – and in disseminating best practices and implementing whatever measures are necessary to handle complaints and reports that may arise in this regard, as well as resolving them as appropriate in each case.